My Wellness Journey

I began my journey with Xyngular on May 21, 2018. I was at a point in my life where I had had enough. I was feeling really bad about myself because I was tired, I was grouchy, I never felt like enough, and I was at the highest weight I had ever been at in my life, including two pregnancies. My scale hit 200 and I freaked out. Surely, I couldn’t be THAT heavy, right? I mean, I didn’t think I LOOKED that big. But in reality, I was. None of my regular shirts fit me any longer. None of my jeans had fit me in months/probably a year. Even jean shopping I couldn’t find anything to fit me. I was stuck in leggings and oversized shirt, because that’s what fit, and didn’t hurt to wear. Plus, oversized hides things, right?
I had been watching Be Your Best Self for well over a year. I watched a friend from high school lose weight, and live her life happy, because she chose X. I witnessed other personal friends and acquaintances change their lives with X, and that personal connection is what hit the nail on the head for me. These weren’t star athletes or people who worked their butts off in the gym and hardly ate, these were people just like me. Moms. Dads. Friends. Just like me.
My first week I lost 7 pounds- .5 inches in my chest, 3.5 inches in my waist, 2 inches in my hips, and 2.5 inches in each thigh for a total of 11 inches. In just 8 days! In a month I had lost a total of 14.6 pounds and over 18 inches. Today, at 5 months into the journey I am down 35 pounds and countless inches. My clothes no longer fit, and that is because they are simply too big! My “I’ll get back into these someday” jeans, are TOO BIG!
The weight loss is great. But along with that, and why I love this lifestyle, are the products that get me through my days. I wake up in the mornings and take a small shot of Global Blend along with my Axion, our daily vitamin. From there I either have a Lean shake, or a couple eggs for breakfast. When I signed up with my UTK (Ultimate Transformation Kit) it came with Xander, our texting coach who sends reminders of what to take and when. That was the first thing I loved, because I was afraid of sounding like a rookie in the support groups (why? that’s what they are there for!) and didn’t want to bother my coach (again, that’s why she’s there!) So back to my day, at 10am I get a reminder from Xander to take my Xyng (for energy and metabolism) and a high protein snack. Some days I eat yogurt, other days I have some almonds or a beef stick. There are SO many options on the program, and they will never leave you feeling starved.
At noon, I take Cheat to help with appetite control, and a half hour later I eat lunch. Some days it’s leftovers from the night before, some days it’s whatever I grabbed from the fridge because I was running late getting the kids ready. Usually around 2:30p, when I “get that 2:30 feeling” I drink a TrimStix. Not only is it delicious and curbs any afternoon sweet cravings I have, but it also maintains healthy blood sugar levels. It gives me a little afternoon pick me up as well. At 3:30 I take Accelerate, which also burns fat and works the metabolism. I take it with another high protein snack, just like in the morning.
At 6pm or so we have dinner. We eat a LOT of beef, and have not stopped since starting the program. We continue to eat steak, bacon, ground beef- the good stuff! And again, we (my husband is included here) are not starving. After dinner I take Probiotic and an Xr2 to wind down for the night. I almost always stay up until around 11pm watching tv. Once the kids are asleep, this is my time to catch up on my shows uninterrupted. I used to be so grouchy in the morning because I didn’t sleep well. I would toss and turn and wake up in the middle of the night and not be able to sleep for over an hour- it was not fun. Now I can wake up feeling refreshed, even on nights when I get very little sleep.
One HUGE thing I noticed, because of X, was during my fair week, I was never once sore. I was never tired, and I wasn’t running around like a chicken with it’s head cut off. I was relaxed and enjoyed it! I am the fair manager, and fair week can get very chaotic. I work 16+ hour days and usually put in about 20,000 steps each day on my fitbit.
I no longer care. No, not like that, but I really don’t care what people think anymore. I was so worried all the time about what certain people thought. Wondered what they were saying about me behind my back. Anxious over small things that really did not matter. Less than a month into the program, I purged toxic people who made me feel that way. I was strong enough to let them go, because I was starting to feel better about myself.
Can you still accomplish your weight loss goal without X? Surely! But it’s the combination of the food plans, products, coaching, and support that keep me going. If at any time I have a question regarding a product, something I should/shouldn’t eat, need a recipe or dinner idea, or just need someone to talk to, I know the support is right there. There have been days I forget to take my supplements because I either didn’t pack them, or got too busy and skipped meals, and I can notice a HUGE difference in my mood, energy, and attitude. Those are the days I feel lazy, and the nights I yell at my kids a heck of a lot more. And if I forget my Xr2, I’m awake from 2-4am tossing and turning. That’s no fun.
I’m still “becoming” a better me. A better mom. A better wife. I’m over 3/5 of the way to my goal weight and clothing size. And once I reach that size, I won’t stop using X. I may back away from some of the weight loss aids, but I will still continue to use Action, Global Blend, Xyng, and Xr2, along with Shine and Genesis, because they make be feel good. They’re helping me to be happy, and that is something I haven’t been in quite a while. <3
*update 5/7/19- I’m now over ⅘ of the way to my goal weight. I’ve lost well over 40 pounds, and maintained that weight.
*update 4/29/20- I have been maintaining 50 pounds of weight loss since last summer.
If this is a program you are truly interested in, I would LOVE to coach you to be your best self. Contact me through here, visit my Facebook, or shoot me an email. This is not a “quick fix” magic pill. It’s a change in your overall lifestyle and well-being. It’s a way to a new life. I would love to chat more with you about our UTK and other systems. I want to help you be HAPPY as well.
Angela Miller- Independent Distributor
I had been watching Be Your Best Self for well over a year. I watched a friend from high school lose weight, and live her life happy, because she chose X. I witnessed other personal friends and acquaintances change their lives with X, and that personal connection is what hit the nail on the head for me. These weren’t star athletes or people who worked their butts off in the gym and hardly ate, these were people just like me. Moms. Dads. Friends. Just like me.
My first week I lost 7 pounds- .5 inches in my chest, 3.5 inches in my waist, 2 inches in my hips, and 2.5 inches in each thigh for a total of 11 inches. In just 8 days! In a month I had lost a total of 14.6 pounds and over 18 inches. Today, at 5 months into the journey I am down 35 pounds and countless inches. My clothes no longer fit, and that is because they are simply too big! My “I’ll get back into these someday” jeans, are TOO BIG!
The weight loss is great. But along with that, and why I love this lifestyle, are the products that get me through my days. I wake up in the mornings and take a small shot of Global Blend along with my Axion, our daily vitamin. From there I either have a Lean shake, or a couple eggs for breakfast. When I signed up with my UTK (Ultimate Transformation Kit) it came with Xander, our texting coach who sends reminders of what to take and when. That was the first thing I loved, because I was afraid of sounding like a rookie in the support groups (why? that’s what they are there for!) and didn’t want to bother my coach (again, that’s why she’s there!) So back to my day, at 10am I get a reminder from Xander to take my Xyng (for energy and metabolism) and a high protein snack. Some days I eat yogurt, other days I have some almonds or a beef stick. There are SO many options on the program, and they will never leave you feeling starved.
At noon, I take Cheat to help with appetite control, and a half hour later I eat lunch. Some days it’s leftovers from the night before, some days it’s whatever I grabbed from the fridge because I was running late getting the kids ready. Usually around 2:30p, when I “get that 2:30 feeling” I drink a TrimStix. Not only is it delicious and curbs any afternoon sweet cravings I have, but it also maintains healthy blood sugar levels. It gives me a little afternoon pick me up as well. At 3:30 I take Accelerate, which also burns fat and works the metabolism. I take it with another high protein snack, just like in the morning.
At 6pm or so we have dinner. We eat a LOT of beef, and have not stopped since starting the program. We continue to eat steak, bacon, ground beef- the good stuff! And again, we (my husband is included here) are not starving. After dinner I take Probiotic and an Xr2 to wind down for the night. I almost always stay up until around 11pm watching tv. Once the kids are asleep, this is my time to catch up on my shows uninterrupted. I used to be so grouchy in the morning because I didn’t sleep well. I would toss and turn and wake up in the middle of the night and not be able to sleep for over an hour- it was not fun. Now I can wake up feeling refreshed, even on nights when I get very little sleep.
One HUGE thing I noticed, because of X, was during my fair week, I was never once sore. I was never tired, and I wasn’t running around like a chicken with it’s head cut off. I was relaxed and enjoyed it! I am the fair manager, and fair week can get very chaotic. I work 16+ hour days and usually put in about 20,000 steps each day on my fitbit.
I no longer care. No, not like that, but I really don’t care what people think anymore. I was so worried all the time about what certain people thought. Wondered what they were saying about me behind my back. Anxious over small things that really did not matter. Less than a month into the program, I purged toxic people who made me feel that way. I was strong enough to let them go, because I was starting to feel better about myself.
Can you still accomplish your weight loss goal without X? Surely! But it’s the combination of the food plans, products, coaching, and support that keep me going. If at any time I have a question regarding a product, something I should/shouldn’t eat, need a recipe or dinner idea, or just need someone to talk to, I know the support is right there. There have been days I forget to take my supplements because I either didn’t pack them, or got too busy and skipped meals, and I can notice a HUGE difference in my mood, energy, and attitude. Those are the days I feel lazy, and the nights I yell at my kids a heck of a lot more. And if I forget my Xr2, I’m awake from 2-4am tossing and turning. That’s no fun.
I’m still “becoming” a better me. A better mom. A better wife. I’m over 3/5 of the way to my goal weight and clothing size. And once I reach that size, I won’t stop using X. I may back away from some of the weight loss aids, but I will still continue to use Action, Global Blend, Xyng, and Xr2, along with Shine and Genesis, because they make be feel good. They’re helping me to be happy, and that is something I haven’t been in quite a while. <3
*update 5/7/19- I’m now over ⅘ of the way to my goal weight. I’ve lost well over 40 pounds, and maintained that weight.
*update 4/29/20- I have been maintaining 50 pounds of weight loss since last summer.
If this is a program you are truly interested in, I would LOVE to coach you to be your best self. Contact me through here, visit my Facebook, or shoot me an email. This is not a “quick fix” magic pill. It’s a change in your overall lifestyle and well-being. It’s a way to a new life. I would love to chat more with you about our UTK and other systems. I want to help you be HAPPY as well.
Angela Miller- Independent Distributor